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General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for the fee-based one-time telephone advice (SMEs / Enterprises)

1. Introduction

The legal services are performed by AXA-ARAG Legal Protection Ltd. These GTC govern the contractual relationship between AXA-ARAG and its customers with regard to the one-time advice. With your purchase of legal advice, you accept these GTC.

2. Services

We advise you as a private individual in everyday legal matters.

The service comprises one-time telephone advice performed by selected AXA-ARAG employees or a third party. You choose the time at which we call you. We are not obliged to provide the advice ourselves but may award the mandate to a third party.

We clarify the legal situation with you, check any documents you may have supplied, and advise you concerning the next steps during a maximum of 30 minutes. The advisory session is thereby completed.

You, and only you, are responsible for complying with any deadlines, in particular for appeals and limitation periods, since AXA-ARAG does not represent you externally.

3. Restrictions

We do not provide any information on topics pertaining to international circumstances or foreign legislation.

4. Entry into force of the contract

The contractual relationship enters into force with payment of the fee for the one-time advice and the subsequent explicit acceptance of the order by AXA-ARAG. AXA-ARAG reserves the right to refuse the order without stating the reasons. In such cases, the fee payment will be refunded in full.

5. Disclaimer

AXA-ARAG exercises the standard applicable due diligence in providing advice and recommendations that are technically correct. The advice is supplied entirely in line with your description of the circumstances and any documents you may have provided. AXA-ARAG is therefore unable to accept any liability for the completeness and correctness of the information and advice it supplies, and excludes liability within the scope of the law. AXA-ARAG particularly excludes liability for the timely delivery and/or the timely receipt of email messages. If AXA-ARAG contacts experts or institutions, it accepts no liability for the advice supplied by these persons or institutions.

If, for a temporary period, due to maintenance work or for other reasons, AXA-ARAG is unable to make available the MyRight platform or only make it available with restrictions, it accepts no liability for the temporary non-availability or for any malfunctions.

AXA-ARAG accepts no liability for data loss and delayed delivery of emails and documents or for errors that lie outside of its responsibility, i.e. for errors of operators of telecommunication services, hosting providers, etc.

6. Data protection

AXA-ARAG is authorized to process the data you have made available for the purposes of carrying out the advisory mandate. Data may also be passed on to any third parties involved if this is required for the purposes of performing the mandate. AXA-ARAG undertakes to treat all the information it receives as confidential.

AXA-ARAG is authorized to communicate with purchasers of one-time advice and other parties using electronic communication media such as email, fax, etc. unless the purchaser of the one-time advice expressly prohibits this. AXA-ARAG accepts no responsibility if unauthorized parties receive, read, forward, copy, use, or manipulate transmitted information and data of any kind.

In all other respects, the Terms and Conditions of Data Protection apply.

7. Place of jurisdiction and applicable law

The place of jurisdiction is Zurich. Swiss law applies.