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Warning an employee due to late notification of incapacity to work

An employee hasn’t notified you immediately that they are unable to work? MyRight explains what you can do.

The answer in detail

Tips on how to warn an employee due to late notification of incapacity to work

Your employee is legally obligated to inform you as the employer regarding sickness- or accident-related incapacity to work immediately and before works starts. If they are unable to notify you personally, then they must make an effort to find a third party, for example a friend or relative, to notify you on their behalf. They must give you as the employer the opportunity to adapt to their absence. This also applies if they are unable to work for a longer period of time. With regard to content, they only have to notify you about why they are unable to work, and if possible, for how long this will be the case. They do not have to inform you in detail regarding the illness, unless you should know for operational reasons.

If your employee does not notify you, then you can issue them a written warning. Our sample letter will help you.

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