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Association board and members

The meeting of the association has elected the board members. What's to be done next?

The answer in detail

What happens after the election of the association's board and members?

The new board members are elected at the board meeting. The meeting of the association also decides how the association board should be organized and who will be an authorized signatory.  With the election acceptance declaration, the board members confirm their acceptance of their election by the meeting of the association in accordance with the articles of association. If your association will be entered in the commercial register, then the following documents must be sent to the commercial registry office:

  • Form for entry in the commercial register
  • Election acceptance declaration of the board members
  • Minutes on the constitution and signatory authority of the board

Our first template will help you draw up the minutes, while the second template will help the board members create the election acceptance statement.

Important documents
Vorlage Protkoll zur Konstituierung des Vereinsvorstands
Vorlage Wahlannahmeerklärung der Vorstandsmitglieder