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Request to be informed of termination reasons

You want to know the precise reasons why your employer has terminated your employment?

The answer in detail

Termination without a reason?

As an employee, you are entitled to receive a written explanation for the termination of your employment, whether this was issued with or without notice. Not receiving an explanation or discovering that the reason is incorrect does not invalidate the termination. However, it does represent a breach of contract and can therefore lead to compensation for damages.
It is important that you object to the termination by your last working day at the latest. We have compiled additional important information on the subject here.

Also take a look at our other articles on termination of the employment relationship:

What are the consequences of a termination with no or only insufficient reason?

Even though the termination is valid despite the absence of a reason or with an incorrect reason, you can contest it under some circumstances as improper and demand payment for damages. During the proceedings regarding the fairness of the termination, the reason for termination is assessed. If there is no reason, the employer cannot submit other reasons later, and has a weaker body of evidence.  Likewise, in the event of no or an insufficient reason, the court can impose the legal costs on the employer, since the employee saw cause to take legal action to clarify the reasons or fairness in court. 

We have drawn up a sample letter for requesting the reasons for your termination from your employer.

Important documents
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