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Will lessons be cancelled because of the coronavirus?

Schools abroad were closed again and again due to the coronavirus. What about Switzerland? MyRight provides the answers.

The answer in detail

Read the impact of the latest developments in our legal tip Corona: The latest federal decisions and their effects

Corona: Do lessons have to be stopped?

Updated on 13.11.2020

Might schools in Switzerland also be shut down?

Yes, schools, nurseries and day-care centers in Switzerland might also have to shut down. The authorities can issue an order to this effect in light of the current situation with regard to the novel coronavirus.

Can I keep my children at home if I am afraid they will be infected by the coronavirus at school?

In this case, the legal situation is clear: parents do not have the right to keep their children at home merely because they fear their children will contract the virus at school.

What obligations do schools have?

Schools are obliged to comply with the recommendations issued by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) and to inform themselves about any hygienic measures they may need to take. Schools may be shut down in response to orders issued by the health authorities if there is real danger of infection.

Do I have to take vacation if my child has to stay at home by order of the authorities?

No. For a limited period, this would be a paid absence.

Should I contact the school if my child gets sick?

You should keep your child at home if they display symptoms of a cold. Please notify the school by phone. You should also contact your doctor by phone without delay.

You can always find the latest information at www.bag.admin.ch.