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Advance directive – or how to specify your own intentions

What is an advance directive, when is it applied, and how is it executed? Our template can help.

The answer in detail

Notes on the preparation of an advance directive

Do you want to decide today if you would like to receive life-preserving medical treatment after an accident or in the event of a serious illness in the future? This will not only relieve the burden on your relatives, but it is also good to know that your intentions will prevail in an emergency.

With an advance directive, you decide which third parties – for example, in the event of a severe car accident – decide on the medical measures that should be taken. In addition to choosing a person of trust, you can also stipulate which medical measures should not be taken (e.g. artificial coma). Medical staff must discuss procedures with the person of trust in advance (provided there is enough time to do so) and forgo specifically defined medical procedures if the author of the advance directive has ordered this.

For the advance directive to be valid, it must be dated and signed in your own hand. It can be registered with various institutions, such as the Swiss Red Cross, Krebsliga, or Pro Senectute. This way, it is readily available in a medical emergency. The advance directive can be revoked or amended at any time, taking the same formal provisions (written form and own signature) into account.

Here you will find our sample templates for an advance directive as well as further information on the legal situation.

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