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Demand a rent reduction - Sample letter and guide Learn about your rights

Tenancy law – what you need to know

Rights and obligations for tenants and landlords

If the reference rate increases: Is there a risk of higher rents?

Under what conditions is it allowed to increase rent?

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Energy crisis in Switzerland: Is there a risk of higher ancillary costs?

When does a higher ancillary cost statement have to be accepted? We tell you everything you need to know.

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New reference rate – will my rent automatically be lower?

If the reference rate decreases, you can claim a decrease in your rent. Here, we explain what you must consider.

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Objection against a neighbor's construction project

Your neighbor's construction project will block your view? Our sample letter will help you raise an objection.

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Why do I need household contents insurance?

No matter if you're sharing an apartment, have your own apartment, or a villa – every household needs household contents insurance. Why?

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Want to hire household help?

Then you should take several points into account.

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You want to employ a cleaner in your private household?

Here you'll find tips and a sample employment contract.

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Keeping a pet

If you want to keep a pet in your rental apartment, then you must obtain the consent of your landlord to do so.

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Renovations and alterations to the rental apartment by the tenant

If you want to carry out specific refurbishment work on your rental apartment, you must first obtain the consent of your landlord.

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Ancillary costs

Legal information on ancillary costs.

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How can I get to see my ancillary cost statements?

You've received an ancillary cost statement and want to see a detailed breakdown? Use our sample letter to ask your landlord to provide this.

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Requesting your landlord to remedy defects

You have discovered a defect in your apartment and want to request your landlord to remedy it? Our sample letter will help you.

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Complaints because of excessive noise

You feel disturbed by a noisy neighbor? We show you how to defend yourself.

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Regular termination of the rental agreement by the tenant

You want to terminate your tenancy and need a sample letter?

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Extraordinary termination by the tenant

Do you want to terminate your tenancy on a non-standard date for an important reason? MyRight tells you what to watch out for.

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Termination by the spouse or life partner on the tenant's death

On the death of your co-tenant, the rental agreement with you continues. You'll find a sample letter here if you wish to terminate your tenancy.

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Premature termination of the rental agreement by the tenant

Do you want to terminate your rental agreement early? You'll find information about your rights and obligations here.

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You own a condominium?

Our checklist shows how condominium owners' regulations are drawn up and what they contain.

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Justification and termination of a joint rental agreement

You and your co-tenant want to terminate your rental agreement but have differences of opinion? Our fact sheet answers the most important questions.

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Termination of a rental agreement by the landlord

You have received notice of termination of your rental agreement. What are your options?

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Your landlord still hasn't repaid your rental deposit?

With the help of our sample letter, you can remind your landlord about the rental deposit repayment.

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Defect rights on acquiring residential property

What are your rights if there are defects in the residential property you buy? We have put together a variety of information for you.

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Buying real estate

You want to buy real estate? Find out here what you need to know.

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What distance must I maintain to my neighbor’s property?

You want to replant your land or extend your property, but you don't know what distances you have to maintain to your neighbor under the law?

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