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Why do I need household contents insurance?

No matter if you're sharing an apartment, have your own apartment, or a villa – every household needs household contents insurance. Why?

The answer in detail

Tips on household contents insurance

Insurance pays compensation in the event of a claim. 

What is household contents insurance?

Household contents insurance offers insurance protection against loss/damage to items in your home – not to the building itself. It insures against damage to items themselves (for example through theft or fire/water damage). Liability insurance, on the other hand, insures loss and damage that you have caused to the possessions of other people. 

What exactly is covered by this type of insurance?

Household contents insurance covers items such as furniture, clothing, and consumer electronics. It also covers small animals, leased or rented items, and property that your guests have brought with them during a visit.

What events are insured?

Depending on the contract, household contents are covered at new value against damage by fire, water or burglary, theft from the car, and damage from natural forces such as storms and flooding.

What does new value mean?

The new value is the value you would have to spend to reacquire the item at the time the damage occurred. For example, if your two-year-old laptop is destroyed in a fire, you would receive the new purchase price and not the reduced value after two years. 

Detailed information on the benefits of household contents insurance and on what you should do in the event of a claim can be found in our document “Household contents insurance”.