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Unemployed in times of pandemic

What rights do you have as a jobseeker in this particular situation? What do you have to pay attention to? MyRight provides the answer.

The answer in detail

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Unemployment during the pandemic

Updated on 17.11.2020

As an unemployed person, can I be assigned to a job during the pandemic?

Yes, this is possible. However, the work must be reasonable. In addition, employee protection also applies here, i.e. the employer is obliged to take appropriate and proportionate measures to protect his employees and thus prevent infection or spread of the coronavirus.

Do I have to make any work efforts during the pandemic? 

Yes. Job searches must continue even during the pandemic.

If I become unemployed, do I still have to register in person with the community of residence or the RAV?

Registration with the RAV is also guaranteed in the event of a pandemic. Depending on the circumstances, registration can be made in person, electronically or by post. For further information on opening hours, please contact the RAV in charge 

I have quit my job because I no longer receive my salary due to absence from work. Can I claim unemployment benefit? Do I have to expect a sanction?

Yes, you can claim unemployment benefit if you are willing and able to take up a new job. If you have fulfilled a family law obligation during your absence from work, the employer is obliged to continue to pay your wage. Otherwise, the employer is guilty of misconduct and you do not have to expect sanctions.

I quit my job for fear of infection. Can I claim unemployment benefits? Do I have to expect a sanction?

Yes, you can claim unemployment benefit if you are willing and able to take up a new job. You must expect a sanction if the risk proves to be non-existent (e.g. if the employer has fulfilled his duty of care and provides adequate protection for his employees).