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Moving despite the coronavirus? The moving weekend is coming up soon.

What do I need to keep in mind when I move? How can I handover my old apartment? MyRight has the answer.

The answer in detail

Read about the impact of the latest developments in our legal tip on the coronavirus: The latest federal decisions and their effects 

Coronavirus: What do I need to keep in mind when I move?

Updated on March 18, 2021

You are moving house despite the coronavirus pandemic. However, it is still important to comply with all safety measures according to the FOPH (Federal Office of Public Health) when moving.

MyRight will explain what moving into a new home during the coronavirus crisis means for you. 

I am moving to a new apartment at the end of the month and have to give up my old apartment. Are there any changes regarding apartment takeover and handover that I have to take into account?

In general, the provisions of tenancy law also apply in the current situation. This means that the old apartment must be handed over at the agreed time – on the last day of the month or, if this is contractually agreed, on the next working day by 12 noon. You are still entitled to take over the newly rented apartment at the beginning of the contract or at the agreed time and are liable to pay the rent due from that time on.

I feel uncertain and do not wish to put my health at risk by moving on the weekend. I would therefore prefer to wait and stay in my old apartment. Can I do that?

You cannot refuse to hand over the apartment or take over the new one on the basis of health concerns alone. However, it is conceivable that additional safety measures may be taken due to the current situation: For example, you could ask your landlord to refrain from physically handing over the apartment. You can return the keys to the landlord by registered mail or hand them over outside. In such a case, we advise you to document the condition of the apartment in detail with a protocol and possible photos before moving out or after moving in.
In any case, we advise you to contact the landlord or the administration of your apartment immediately to express your concerns and find a solution. Due to the current situation, many landlords have already adapted the procedure for handing over apartments. 

Due to the coronavirus crisis, the landlord of my new apartment did not carry out an orderly handover with me. When moving in, however, I noticed several instances of damage caused by the previous tenant. They are not noted in the handover protocol. What should I do?

It is important that you document any defects in the new apartment immediately and report them to the new landlord, preferably by registered mail. Have the administration or the landlord also confirm the deficiencies in writing and file this away with your documents. This way you can avoid discussions when you move out.

I am currently still abroad and cannot enter Switzerland. The moving-in date is getting closer. What should I do?

If it is not possible to hand over your old apartment or take over your new one, we recommend that you contact your landlord immediately. Describe your situation and look for a solution together.

I have fallen ill with the virus and cannot hand over my old apartment. What should I do?

Tenancy law still applies – even if you have fallen ill with the coronavirus. We recommend that you contact the administration immediately and look for a solution. Currently, individual solutions are required. Where possible and reasonable, the date of the move should be postponed in consultation with all parties. However, this requires the agreement of all parties.

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